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Leading Expertsin Self-Sustaining CCTV SecurityInstallations2024 – Chile

For the last seven years, LiveSmart Tecnologias has been delivering comprehensive, self-sustainable security systems of various natures to a multitude of centralised locations. Beginning its venture in Chile, the company has since extended its reach to the likes of America, the Caribbean, and Spain, all to ensure that perimeters stay secure through its ingenious solutions. Be it leveraging the capabilities of solar panels or wind turbines, LiveSmart has championed the art of providing energising poles that drastically reduce costs for all manner of clients. Below, we learn more about the astounding level of expertise LiveSmart harnesses on a daily basis.

Dating back to 2010, wherein it became the first to promote video analytics for perimeter protection within Chile via Davantis Security, LiveSmart quickly found itself on an upward trajectory that would soon see it delving into being a security specialist. Since 2012, it has been developing and honing its skills, allowing it to commence the design and manufacturing of what is now its staple range of services and solutions. Fast forward to the present, LiveSmart is an award-winning expert in the installation of completely autonomous security cameras, self-sustainable solar and wind poles, and various
other security solutions. In fact, LiveSmart offers the most innovative security technologies available, each boasting renewable resources that are fit for all types of facilities.

It’s this very capability upon which LiveSmart prides itself. Whether it’s carrying out in-depth installations within residential, commercial, industrial, educational, or an array of many more premises, the company keeps its sights firmly set on building a safer world for all, while simultaneously guaranteeing both material and immaterial protection. Through its solutions, LiveSmart not only provides clients with self-sustaining methods of upholding the maximum level of security, but it also plays a key role in generating significant savings. For example, once its self-sufficient security cameras are installed, the system costs – on average – 30% less than the cost of a traditional video surveillance system. This is ultimately due to the fact that LiveSmart avoids fibre cabling, energy, trenching, ducts, and civil works – a factor that also drastically reduces the overall installation time.

Primarily working for Principals and Epecistas – Engineering, Procurement, and Construction – who excel at building solar plants in both Chile and across the wider world, LiveSmart has tapped into a non-conventional renewable energy market to aptly expand upon emerging energy efficiency demands. As we have progressed further into the 21st century, there has been a larger concentration of clients seeking electric energy solutions, with many countries
committing themselves to zero gas emission compliance. As such, LiveSmart has become an essential player in the climate change control game – one that mainly works for solar plants that generate energy on a larger scale. Essentially, the company focuses on servicing large plots of land that require steadfast security and surveillance, allowing clients to easily tread the path towards increased sustainability.

Of course, as an entity that heavily relies on technology to ensure its systems realise their full potential, LiveSmart has wholeheartedly dedicated itself to upholding a constant pursuit of innovation. Each day, it assesses the latest developments within the market and proceeds to line these changes up with its own products in order to identify whether or not it needs to upgrade for the benefit of its clients. LiveSmart partakes in this rigorous process for the sole purpose of ensuring that clients have access to the latest trends in the worlds of security, installation, products, software, and even personnel. As a fully comprehensive provider, LiveSmart has continuously proven that it deserves to have its name held in such high regard.

Part of what makes LiveSmart so exemplary is its unwavering commitment to being the only collective of its kind to offer various exclusive services. From being the only company in Chile to export CCTV security systems with products, engineering professionals, and installations, to being the very first Chile
based developer of solar and wind poles for CCTV security systems – ones that are adaptable to the needs of every project – LiveSmart boasts a multitude of perks for those that opt to work alongside it. In addition, it also proudly holds the title for being the first Chilean company to have exported its systems to Spain, while also being pioneers in the manufacturing of solar cars for security systems, meteorological laboratories, telephone antennas, and more.

At the root of it all, however, LiveSmart simply aims to be an example of professionalism, innovation, and quality in the security systems installation market. In supporting LiveSmart, clients aren’t only benefitting from the ample amount of positive qualities presented by its solutions, but they’re able
to support the construction of smart cities that promise self sustainability in abundance. Fundamentally, LiveSmart thrives when constantly developing new means to solve connectivity and energy problems, defining it as a collective whose passion for distinguishing itself guides everything it does.

To summarise, LiveSmart is a collective that has gone the extra mile to design elements with clean energy, solar, and wind, that are geared toward solving problems. Its solutions are able to provide security systems to areas where there’s either no electricity readily available, or where electrical wiring costs far more than it’s worth. Between its solar poles and solar cars, LiveSmart has created the means for clients to retrieve energy, regardless of their location, across a wide stretch of land. As the only Chilean company that exports self-sustainable CCTV security systems – one that has
saved more than 50,000 linear kilometres of cables and plastic ducts – it has mastered the art of efficiently contributing to carbon footprint reduction on a monumental scale, and it seems as though this number is going to indefinitely remain on the rise.

Now, growing further in markets such as Guatemala, Panama, and the Dominican Republic – with the support of ProChile (institution of the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs that promotes the offer of Chilean goods and services in the world) – LiveSmart is set for a bright future indeed.
At its heart, LiveSmart is a company that’s unapologetically committed to realising a better world – one where security systems can benefit from a self-sustainable nature, without having to rely on complex procedures or inconvenient, inefficient installation processes. It has truly made its mark on the security field, and with such an eager outlook for the future of its craft, we truly believe LiveSmart is well on its way to influencing the very future of the
wider industry.

Credits: Security Awards 2024 (

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